Welcome To Ilanna's Programming Portfolio

Hi, my name is Ilanna Langton and I am currently a first year student here at the University of Rhode Island. I am majoring
in computer science and hoping to pick up a minor however, I am still deciding in what way I would like to focus my education. Throughout my highschool career I was introduced to multiple areas of study within the large umbrella that is computer science. From these courses
I have gained breif experiance in
-Web Desgin: HTML/CSS (my favorite and what sparked my interest in comp sci),
-Graphic Design: Adobe Photoshop
-Python:website and program design.
I can't wait to dive deeper into these areas as well as explore new topics like data science, cyber security,
and more. As of right now I don't have a specific comp sci career path in mind and hope to try new
things and create a well rounded portfolio before deciding.